
The Insights section provides you with a comprehensive overview of the performance of your NeetoForm. It displays key metrics such as views, submission count, completion rate, and average time to complete. It shows the percentage distribution of operating systems, browsers, and devices used by participants when submitting the form as well.


Visits: the total number of times your NeetoForm has been loaded, regardless of whether it was started or not.

Submissions: the count of successfully completed NeetoForm submissions.

Completion Rate: the percentage of participants who finished your NeetoForm after starting it. This is determined by dividing the total number of submissions by the total number of starts, then multiplying by 100.

Time to Complete: the average duration participants took to finish NeetoForm, measured from the moment they started until clicking the Submit button.

Note: If you delete a submission from your submissions, it will affect these metrics.


Date range filters can be applied to insight data. This filter is global and will be applied to all data displayed under insights.


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