IP Restriction

The IP restriction feature of NeetoForm allows you to restrict access to your online forms based on the IP addresses of your website's visitors. This means you can prevent specific IP addresses or ranges from accessing your form, making it more secure and limiting access to only authorized users.

Allowed IP range (+) in NeetoForm :

The allowed IP range feature of NeetoForm allows you to provide a specific range of IP addresses that can access your online forms. This is useful when you want to limit access to a specific group of people or a specific area. For example, if you want to restrict access to your form only to people in your workspace or those in a specific network, you can specify the allowed IP range in the NeetoForm general settings. Only those visitors whose IP addresses fall within the allowed range will be able to access the form.

In addition, you can also specify multiple IP ranges to refine the access control further.

Here's the way to enable IP restriction :

  1. Click on the settings icon in the sidebar.

  1. Click on IP restriction.

  2. When you click on the Enable IP restriction toggle button, your current IP address will appear. Remember, your current IP will be added to the allowed IP range by default.

  3. You can add multiple IP addresses by clicking on the Allowed IP Range.

  4. In this way, you can enable the IP restriction feature in NeetoForm.

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